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World Class


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US Scallops in shellAn incredible Resource.

Offering sustainable seafood such as world class scallops, lobster, and finfish, Seatrade has built a reputation on quality and expertise. With a fully integrated vertical network and state-of-the-art-facilities, the company is a seafood leader from wharf to plate.

With over 35 years as a trusted name, the company excels at customer support, education and the resource tools needed for customer training. As part of our parent company East Coast Seafood Group, Seatrade remains one of the world's leading suppliers of North American lobster and scallops.  

A long time supporter of industry associations and a proud member of the National Fisheries Institute, Seatrade offers Marine Steward Council (MSC) CoC certified facilities.  

East Coast Seafood

Established in 1981, East Coast Seafood Inc. has built an unrivaled reputation as a global leader in the seafood industry around its signature product, North American lobster. The company is a subsidiary of East Coast Seafood Group (ECSG.)

ECSG is headquartered in the greater Boston area. The ECSG companies sell lobster products (fresh and frozen) scallops (fresh and frozen) and fin-fish throughout the United States, Europe and Asia.

East Coast Seafood combined with its affiliated companies ranks among the Top 25 North American Seafood Suppliers as published by Seafood Business.

Quality Control

Committed To Providing Safe, Top Quality Products

From the very beginning, East Coast Seafood has held quality control as an integral part of their business. When building the new plant on Deer Island East Coast Seafood established onsite testing facilities and hired Tad Pawlowski, as Director of Quality Control, to oversee various product assurance programs. Today, dedicated employees at East Coast Seafood facilities receive, test, pack and prepare to ensure the quality and safety of lobster and seafood products. 


Live Lobster Testing

Exceeding Industry Standards

The testing aspects of East Coast Seafood quality regime are especially crucial for lobsters, which are often stored in the Deer Island, New Brunswick five acre natural live lobster pounds.  These lobster pounds are considered some of the largest in the world, and are continuously monitored for temperature and oxygen levels.

Quality Control ensures that East Coast Seafood lobsters pass a strict set of tests. The first test begins with a representative sample of each shipment arriving at the Deer Island plant. Blood protein levels are checked along with shell strength to ensure top quality live lobsters are selected. In addition, the Deer Island processing facility maintains high standards of sanitation and has an in-house lab to provide immediate testing results.

East Coast Seafood

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Sustainable Business

The company is strongly committed to sustainable practices, responsible business, and unrivaled quality. In keeping with these important company policies, ECSG and subsidiaries have created a Plan Green initiative which is more than a company mission; it is a way of life.

Our goal is to increase the value of seafood worldwide to all partners, through ongoing education and by exceeding industry standards for corporate environmental and social responsibility. Plan Green
focuses on five areas of change: energy, waste, community, education, and sustainability.

Sustaining Seafood Education

Lobster Academy™ offers a unique educational opportunity that links the production environment with the natural environment and connects buyers with communities. The three-day educational events combine lectures with facility tours and demonstrations, with topics reflecting industry issues like traceability, sustainability, certification, demand, pricing issues, processing and regulatory needs. Instructors are at the top of their fields and classes host a maximum of twenty people, usually representatives from domestic and international food service, retail, and distributors.


  • Long standing community involvement.

  • Commitment to quality.

  • Close relationships with the harvesters.

  • Excellent quality control.

  • Long time industry knowledge.

  • Value added items for enhanced use of the resource.

  • Increased use of under utilized fish species.

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